Basics of Piercing Care

Our bodies are very good at what they do, so when it comes to caring for healing piercings, keeping things simple tends to be better. With this in mind, the most important part of taking care of healing piercings is to not touch with unclean fingers, and do not twist, turn, or rotate jewelry. Touching our piercings will introduce bacteria to that open wound -the #1 cause of infection- and moving jewelry will only drag bacteria through and cause damage to the tissue.

Do NOT use any products such as Bactine, Neosporin, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, tea tree oil, or witch hazel. Products like these are not appropriate for puncture wounds, and will irritate and prevent piercings from healing. Creams, oils, and ointments are also good to avoid.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via phone, email, or book a non-piercing appointment for consultations whenever you have the slightest concern about your piercing.

Piercing Healing Times

Healing times vary from person to person, and can be affected by factors like climate, stress levels, diet, and travel. These are meant to be general timeframes, and your piercing may take longer to completely heal.

Ear & Facial Piercings

  • earlobe: 4-6 months

  • ear cartilage: 9-12 months

  • nostril: 9-12 months

  • septum: 3-4 months

  • bridge: 3-4 months

  • eyebrow: 3-4 months

Oral Piercings

  • lip: 4 months

  • vertical labret: 4 months

  • tongue: 2-3 months

  • cheek: 12+ months

  • frenulum (smiley): 6-8 weeks

Body Piercings

  • nipple: 9-12 months

  • navel: 9-12 months

Surface Piercings

  • surface bar: 8-12 months

  • surface anchor (dermal): 4-6 months

Genital Piercings

  • clitoral hood: 6-8 weeks

  • triangle: 3-4 months

  • christina: 6-9 months

  • inner labia: 6-8 weeks

  • outer labia: 3-4 months

  • fourchette: 6-8 weeks

  • prince albert: 6-8 weeks

  • reverse prince albert: 3-4 months

  • frenum: 3-4 months

  • apadravya: 6-8 months

  • ampallang: 6-8 months

  • guiche: 3-4 months

  • scrotum: 3-4 months

  • dydoe: 2-3 months

Cleaning Your Piercing

You will be doing two things every day for the duration of your healing time to care for piercings: a saline flush or compress, and using a mild liquid soap for cleaning.

Saline Flushes or Compresses

Saline flushes or compresses should be done 1-2 times a day for the full healing period. 

Packaged sterile saline solution is a clean, convenient option for helping promote easier healing. You can find packaged wound wash or wound flush saline at most piercing studios or your local. Contact lens saline and nasal saline are not appropriate for healing piercings. 

-For flushes, spray saline directly onto the piercing to soften and remove any dried discharge. This can be done anytime your schedule allows, though after a shower tends to be a very popular choice.

-For compresses, use individually packaged sterile saline wipes or sterile gauze saturated with saline solution. Apply gentle pressure on the piercing for 5-10 minutes. A brief rinse afterward will remove any discharge.


Using a mild, liquid soap once a day is good for keeping dirt and germs out of your piercing. Our preferred soaps are Dr. Bronner's unscented castile soap, or Cetaphil.

-While showering, lather up a pearl size drop of the soap and gently clean the surface around the piercing. It is not necessary to rotate the jewelry through the piercing.

-Let your piercing air dry, or dry by gently patting with clean, disposable paper products. Cloth towels can harbor bacteria and snag on jewelry, causing injury.

Oral Piercing Care

You will be rinsing your mouth 3-4 times a day for the duration of your healing. 

Saline Rinses

Packaged sterile saline solution is a clean, convenient option for helping promote easier healing. You can find packaged wound wash or wound flush saline at most piercing studios or your local pharmacy. Contact lens saline and nasal saline are not appropriate for healing piercings. 

-Spray saline directly into your mouth and "swish" for 30-60 seconds. Rinse after meals and before bedtime.

-Bottled or distilled water is also appropriate to use for rinses.

-Picking up a brand new toothbrush is a good idea, but the use of any mouthwash products is not necessary.

All piercings, especially oral, require slightly longer initial jewelry to accommodate for swelling. It is very important that you return to the studio once swelling has subsided to purchase shorter jewelry components. Ask your piercer when you should come back for downsizing.

To help reduce swelling

-Allow small pieces of ice to dissolve in your mouth.

-Take an over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory -such as Ibuprofen- according to package instructions.

-Sleep with your head elevated over your heart for the first few nights.

Some tips for oral piercings

-Slowly eat small bites of food, placed directly onto the molars.

-Avoid spicy, salty, acidic or hot temperature food and drink for a few days.

-Cold foods and beverage are soothing and help reduce swelling.

-Maintain good oral hygiene, and use a new soft-bristled toothbrush.

-Brush your teeth and rinse after every meal.

-Floss daily, and gently brush your teeth, tongue, and jewelry. Once healed, brush jewelry more thoroughly to prevent plaque buildup.

Helpful Hints

-Wash your hands prior to touching the piercing; leave it alone except when cleaning. 

-Stay healthy; the healthier your lifestyle, the easier it will be for your piercing to heal. Get enough sleep and eat a nutritious diet. Exercise during healing is fine; listen to your body.

-Avoid submerging your healing piercing in any bacteria-ridden waters such as lakes, rivers, ocean, swimming pools or hot tubs. Some piercings can be protected with the use of waterproof bandages such as Nexcare Clean Seals or Tegaderm.

-Make sure your bedding is washed and changed regularly. Wear clean, comfortable, breathable clothing that protects your piercing while you are sleeping.

-Showers tend to be safer than taking baths, as bathtubs can harbor bacteria. If you bathe in a tub, clean it well before each use and rinse off your piercing when you get out.

-Unless there is a problem with the size, style, or material of the initial jewelry, leave it in place for the entire healing period. See a qualified piercer to perform any jewelry change that becomes necessary during healing. 

-Contact your piercer if your jewelry must be removed (such as for a medical procedure). There are non-metallic jewelry alternatives available.

-Leave jewelry in at all times. Even old or well-healed piercings can shrink or close in minutes-even after having been there for years.

If removed, re-insertion can be difficult or impossible.

-With clean hands or paper product, be sure to regularly check threaded ends on your jewelry for tightness. (”Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey.”)

-Carry a clean spare ball in case of loss or breakage.

-Should you decide you no longer want the piercing, simply remove the jewelry (or have a professional piercer remove it) and continue cleaning the piercing until the hole closes. In most cases only a small mark will remain.


Basic Tattoo Care

Failure to follow these suggestions may lead to loss of color, scarring, and/or infection. Please contact your artist for questions about touch-ups.

Our bodies are very good at what they do, so when it comes to caring for healing tattoos, keeping things simple tends to be better. With this in mind, the most important part of taking care of healing tattoos is to not touch with unclean fingers, and do not pick or scratch at it. Touching our tattoos will introduce bacteria to that open wound -the #1 cause of infection- and picking and scratching may cause damage to the tattoo.

While tattoos are healing it's very important to avoid the use of any harsh products, like Bactine, Neosporin, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, or witch hazel. Products like these are not appropriate, and will irritate and prevent tattoos from healing.

There may be "oozing" or "weeping" of the tattooed area for the first and second day. Bruising is normal. During the first couple weeks of healing, some flaking or light scabbing is normal. Healing times vary greatly, from person to person and sometimes even from session to session on the same person. Expect your initial healing period to be up to 2 weeks. At this point the outer surface skin should have healed completely, giving protection from infection. Once this outer skin has healed, exposure to the sun (with sunblock) and swimming are permitted.

Cleaning Your Tattoo

In most cases, your tattoo will be bandaged immediately after. Keep this bandage on for 2-4 hours. Do not re-bandage the tattoo!

-Immediately after removing the bandage, gently wash the area with a mild, unscented liquid soap using only your hands. Do not use washcloths or anything abrasive. Our preferred soaps are Dr. Bronner's unscented castile soap, or Cetaphil.

-Pat dry with a clean paper towel, or allow to air dry.

-Carefully apply a very thin layer of ointment. Keep your tattoo moisturized but never goopy! Our preferred product is Aquaphor.

Repeat this suggested care 2-3 times daily for the first 3 days, unless otherwise directed by your artist.

After 3-4 days have passed, you may switch to using a mild, unscented lotion to keep your tattoo moisturized.

Until your tattoo has healed:

-Do NOT soak in a bathtub or hot tub, showers are fine.

-Do NOT go swimming; no lakes, rivers, oceans, pools, or hot tubs.

-Do NOT touch your tattoo with dirty/unwashed hands.

-Do NOT wear tight/rubbing clothing over the tattoo.

-Do NOT garden with your exposed tattoo.

-Do NOT scratch, rub, or pick at your tattoo.

(a gentle pat or cool, clean cloth works great for any itchiness)

-Do NOT expose the tattoo to direct sunlight or tanning beds.

(continued exposure to sunlight can cause the tattoo to fade and blur over time)

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